Reporter: Hi Dr. Minal Mathur I’m Rahul Bansal. I’m a TV reporter from News 365. I have a few questions about the current COVID 19 situation. Would you like to take some time and answer a few of the burning questions in the public interest.

Doctor: Yes of course, being a Scientist and a virologist, it’s my duty to help people especially when the world is suffering from a pandemic situation. Go ahead.

Reporter: So Doctor, What to do to keep yourself and others safe from COVID-19.

Doctor: We should follow COVID guidelines and maintain at least 1 metre distance among us to reduce the risk of infection. We should wear masks and ensure that it covers the nose. Wash our hands regularly and make sure never to touch your face without washing hands even after taking off the masks. By making our surrounding environment safer, we can win the battle against COVID.

Reporter: And what are the various ways people can make the environment safe?

Doctor: By making a habit of avoiding closed and crowded spaces that may invite close contacts as the risk of COVID infection is highest in places like theatres, restaurants, night clubs, gyms etc. Open a window for proper ventilation if a closed space cannot be avoided. Sanitize the surfaces which we touch regularly with an alcohol based sanitizer. And while coughing or sneezing, cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue and not with your hands. And yes do get yourself vaccinated as soon as possible as that will help build immunity against the virus.

Reporter: As you know doctor, the second wave of COVID has struck. What are the various steps one can take if anyone, despite following the guidelines and getting vaccinated, gets infected or is unwell but does not know he is infected?

Doctor: Before I answer this I want to make one thing clear, getting vaccinated does not mean you will never get infected. So you have to always follow the guidelines and wear a mask and stay cautious. However, if one is unwell then he should know the common symptoms of infections like loss of taste or smell, skin rashes, red eyes and aches & pains. He should immediately isolate himself and call the doctor or local health authority for a COVID test.

Reporter: Thank you doctor for sharing your helpful advice.

Doctor: It’s my duty.


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